Statewide List of School Board & Superintendents Candidates
PineApple Report | July 22, 2020
With the fast-approaching primary election day in sight and absentee ballots arriving at homes, voters will have to make a decision on who will represent them at their school district. As mentioned in a previous PineApple Report article, nearly half of the school board races throughout Florida will be decided on August 18th. As part of the PineApple Report commitment to news and information and our contribution to stakeholders dedicated to educating Florida children, we have compiled a complete list of school board members and superintendents up for election from all 67 Florida counties. This list was compiled immediately after the June 12th qualifying deadline.
The elections of 2020 will be like no elections ever before; therefore, the need for accurate information has a greater significance given the importance to choose the best leaders. Our traditional ways to learn about, meet or listen to a candidate’s political platforms are stymied and limited, thus we strongly encourage you to read and share this article with others. Our goal is to provide our readers easy access to all the candidates and provide you the opportunity to research who are the best ones. As you prepare to return your recently received absentee ballot or are waiting to physically go to vote on August 18th, today more than ever the fundamental question is — who do I believe can be the best policy maker and leader for our children?
For those of you voting by absentee ballot, there are several critical steps that must be followed if you want to ensure that your vote counts. You must select and completely fill in the bubbled area next to the candidate of choice. Be sure to double check your choices and don’t forget to sign the envelope. Without your signature on the envelope, your ballot will be disregarded and nullified. Then pay attention to the deadlines and timelines to mail or drop off your absentee ballot. Know your deadlines or else it would have all been in vain and a waste of the democratic process if you miss the mailing or hand-delivering deadlines.
Click HERE to access our 2020 School Board and Superintendent Elections document, which will allow you to search candidates by county and see each district’s school board members and superintendent candidates who qualified for elections as well as candidates who were re-elected.
A special mention and thanks to our contributors who worked diligently on compiling the candidates list.