‘Extremely disappointing and disturbing:’ St. Johns County school students seen harassing Gay Straight Alliance members in series of videos

First Coast News | By First Coast News Staff | September 21, 2021

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — The St. Augustine Record has obtained several videos that show Bartram Trail High School students yelling homophobic slurs and stomping on Pride flags on campus.

The videos have been shared across social media and reportedly target members of the Gay Straight Alliance at the school.

In the videos, you can see students gathered outside the school. One of the students is seen holding up a Confederate flag sign and heard shouting: “There are only two genders f****” multiple times.  Another nearby student is heard calling to the group that they have a mental illness while laughing.

“Do you hear yourselves?” asked one girl in the group being targeted.

The school district says the incident involves seven students and took place during dismissal this past Friday.

The district says disciplinary actions have already taken place in accordance with the student code of conduct, including Level III and Level IV infractions.

Level III infractions are defined by the district’s code of conduct as “major acts of misconduct which the School Board has determined constitute a serious breach of conduct” and may also be subject to criminal proceedings.

Level IV acts of misconduct are the most serious and must be reported to the Office of School Services, according to the code of conduct. Sanctions will “include suspension and may include placement in an alternative school and/or expulsion and may be subject to referral to mental health services.” 

A student who commits a Level IV offense may also be subject to criminal proceedings, the code states.

“This behavior is not acceptable and is not indicative of the culture and students at BTHS, ” said a representative for the school. “It is extremely disappointing and disturbing that these students handled themselves in this way.”

School Administration is working with the youth resource deputy from the St. Johns County Sheriff’s Office who is also involved in the investigation.


(Faces have been blurred due to the possibility of minors being involved. Content may be triggering to some.)

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