Leon County Schools superintendent Hanna reaches agreement with FDOE, accepts ‘lesser punishment’
WTXL | By WTXL Digital Staff | June 20, 2023
Leon County Schools superintendent Rocky Hanna reached an agreement with the Florida Department of Education. The agreement comes after Hanna was accused in April of having a history of defying the law or failing to follow the law with fidelity along with using his position to politically influence others under his authority.
According to a settlement agreement from the State of Florida Education Practices Commission, if Hanna becomes employed in a Florida position that requires his teaching certificate, he will have to participate in the following stipulations:
- two years of probation
- college level courses focusing on educational leadership and education ethics
- $1,000 fine to the Education Practices Commission during probationary period
The LCS’ superintendent expressed in a statement that if others throughout history could be placed in jail for advocating for what they believed in, the least he can do is be still for now and accept a much lesser punishment for doing what he believes.
“I have done nothing wrong. I absolutely have no ‘history of defying the law’ nor have I ever suggested to anyone to violate the law or not teach the Florida Standards as established by the Board of Education,” Hanna stated. “Although I have chosen to accept this agreement I do not regret doing what I was elected to do by the citizens of Leon County–advocating for our teachers, our children and our public schools.”
The settlement agreement states Hanna “neither admits nor denies, but elects not to contest the allegations set forth in Petitioner’s Administrative Complaint, which are incorporated herein by reference.”
Back in early April, FDOE commissioner Manny Diaz, Jr. sent a letter to superintendent Hanna, stating there was probable cause to justify sanctions against Hanna’s state educator certificate.