Pasco students face new school cellphone restrictions

Tampa Bay Times | Jeffrey S. Solochek | June 11, 2024

Aiming to direct students’ attention toward learning, the Pasco County School Board on Tuesday adopted more limits on when cellphones may be used during the school day.

Across all grade levels, Pasco students must keep their phones silenced and stowed away during classes, unless a teacher gives permission to use them for lessons. The off-and-out-of-sight rule will remain in place throughout the day, including during before- and after-school activities, at elementary and middle schools.

Officials had intended to have the same strict requirement in place for high schools, too. But after hearing pushback from students, staff and parents, the administration decided to allow high school students to use their phones during their lunch periods.

The Pinellas County School Board is slated to consider a similar action when it meets later Tuesday. The Hillsborough County School Board is scheduled to take up new cellphone rules when it meets July 23.

Districts across Florida are revising these policies in concert with state law giving teachers more authority to control their classrooms. They also have cited problems with increased mental health struggles and lost instructional time.

Gov. Ron DeSantis highlighted the issue during a news conference on Monday, saying the districts that have throttled back cellphones have seen improvements in performance and behavior.

“The students even admit it’s better,” DeSantis said, calling the approach “huge” for education. “That was something that’s really, really significant, and I’m glad we did it.”

Pasco board members said they wanted to ensure that, as the district gets tougher in its student code of conduct, teachers and administrators are not overburdened with enforcement.

“I believe our administrators should be focused on being the instructional leaders at the schools,” board member Colleen Beaudoin said, calling for a balance between the concerns about phone abuse and the time needed to implement the rules.

Superintendent Kurt Browning, who initially recommended a complete ban on phone use in schools, said he did not anticipate many problems. He noted the district made some other limitations on phones a year ago, and faced almost no negative response to the changes.

He added that the district will have more discipline aides in middle and high schools, and they can help handle any issues that arise.

Students who violate Pasco’s policy could face disciplinary action that could include suspension, but not expulsion or alternative placement. Browning said he did not expect students to have their phones confiscated as part of the plan, amid concerns about liability if something happens to a phone while in the district’s custody.

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