Teenage boy from Miami-Dade to perform violin at Carnegie Hall
WPLG Local 10 | By Sanela Sabovic | February 1, 2022
MIAMI – A 16-year-old boy from Miami-Dade County is preparing to travel to Manhattan for the opportunity of a lifetime at Carnegie Hall.
Samuel Aldana has been playing the violin since he was two years old. The Florida Christian School student said he uses it to cope with the ups and downs of life.
“I always have music to express my emotions through. It has always been a big part of my life.”
Samuel was among the 10,000 students from around the world who applied for this year’s High School Honors Performance Series at Carnegie Hall. On Monday, he was proud to be among the 500 finalists.
“I never thought I would be able to get this far so early on, so being able to have this opportunity, it really means a lot,” Samuel said, adding he will be traveling to New York on Wednesday.
Samuel will be part of an elite group that will be rehearsing to perform six pieces on stage under the direction of master conductors.
Aside from building his performing resume, the program also includes a finalist celebration, a Broadway Show, and visits to NYClandmarks.
The instrumental High School Honors Performance Series is from Feb. 2 to Feb. 6 and the choral is from Feb. 3 to Feb. 7.